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2章 2課 医療-健康



72 entriesCreated by Angela H. — Last modified: 2018-02-11 08:05:09
注射 【ちゅうしゃ】injection
適切 【てきせつ】pertinent, appropriate, adequate, relevance
維持 【いじ】maintenance, preservation, improvement
健康 【けんこう】health, sound, wholesome
症状 【しょうじょう】symptoms, condition
訴える 【うったえる】① to sue (a person), to take someone to court ② to resort to (e.g. arms, violence) ③ to appeal to, to call for ④ to raise, to bring to (someone's attention) ⑤ to complain
水分 【すいぶん】moisture
気味 【きみ】sensation, feeling
医療 【いりょう】medical care, medical treatment
取り戻す 【とりもどす】to take back, to regain, to get back, to recover
げっそりbeing disheartened, losing weight
損なう 【そこなう】to harm, to hurt, to injure, to damage, to fail in doing
安静 【あんせい】rest
往診 【おうしん】doctor's visit, house call
過労 【かろう】overwork, strain
寒気 【さむけ】① chill, the shivers, shivering fit ② cold, coldness, cold air
感染 【かんせん】infection, contagion
凝る 【こる】① to grow stiff ② to be absorbed in, to be devoted to, to be a fanatic, to elaborate
治療 【ちりょう】medical treatment, cure
処置 【しょち】treatment, measure, step
衰える 【おとろえる】to become weak, to decline, to wear, to abate, to decay, to wither, to waste away
先天的 【せんてんてき】a priori, inborn, innate, inherent, congenital, hereditary
全快 【ぜんかい】complete recovery of health
増進 【ぞうしん】promoting, increase, advance
体付き 【からだつき】body build, figure
聴診器 【ちょうしんき】stethoscope
発作 【ほっさ】fit, spasm
発病 【はつびょう】attack (disease)
補給 【ほきゅう】supply, supplying, replenishment
摩る 【さする】① to pat, to stroke ② to rub off, to polish, to grind, to graze, to scrape ③ to be equal to ④ to be about to reach
立ち寄る 【たちよる】to stop by, to drop in for a short visit
和らげる 【やわらげる】to soften, to moderate, to relieve
微か 【かすか】faint, dim, weak, indistinct, hazy, poor, wretched
効き目 【ききめ】effect, virtue, efficacy, impression
取り替え 【とりかえ】swap, exchange
害する 【がいする】① to injure, to damage, to harm, to hurt ② to kill ③ to hinder, to obstruct
腫れる 【はれる】to swell (from inflammation), to become swollen
くらくらdizziness, giddiness
ずきずきthrobbing pain, heartbreakingly
ひりひりprickling pain, smarting, stinging
持病 【じびょう】chronic disease
心がける 【こころがける】to keep in mind, to bear in mind, to try, to aim to do, to endeavor, to endeavour
通院 【つういん】commuting to hospital
顔つき 【かおつき】(outward) looks, features, face, countenance, expression
食生活 【しょくせいかつ】eating habits
立ち向かう 【たちむかう】to fight against, to oppose, to face
面会時間 【めんかいじかん】visiting or office hours
過労死 【かろうし】death from overwork and mental stress, karoshi;
急性 【きゅうせい】acute (e.g. illness)
高熱 【こうねつ】① high fever ② pyro-
処方 【しょほう】prescription
点滴 【てんてき】① raindrops, falling drop of water ② intravenous drip
副作用 【ふくさよう】reaction, secondary effect, side effect
腹痛 【はらいた】stomach ache, abdominal pain
兆候 【ちょうこう】sign, indication, omen, symptom
心臓発作 【しんぞうほっさ】① heart attack ② to have a heart attack
栄養失調 【えいようしっちょう】malnutrition
関節 【かんせつ】joints (knee joint, elbow joint, etc.)
結び目 【むすびめ】knot
自覚症状 【じかくしょうじょう】subjective symptoms
注射器 【ちゅうしゃき】injector, syringe
不摂生 【ふせっせい】neglect of health, intemperance
便秘 【べんぴ】constipation
慢性 【まんせい】chronicity, chronic
感染症 【かんせんしょう】infectious disease, infection
胃腸薬 【いちょうやく】digestive medicine, medicine for the stomach and bowels
面会謝絶 【めんかいしゃぜつ】No Visitors
健康管理 【けんこうかんり】health care (e.g. for the aged), health management, health maintenance
応急処置 【おうきゅうしょち】① emergency measure, emergency procedures, first-aid treatment ② temporary repairs, stop-gap treatment
ガンガンsound of large bell, sound of scolding voice, (pounding of) headache, intense
痙攣 【けいれん】convulsions, cramps
目蓋 【まぶた】eyelid, eyelids