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N1 - 301-400

JLPT N1 Kanji list - groups of 100 kanji


100 entriesCreated by Sai S. — Last modified: 2018-06-28 04:25:55
phrase, clause, sentence, passage, paragraph, counter for haiku
セント, センhermit, wizard, cent
うま.い, むね, シdelicious, relish, show a liking for, purport, will, clever, expert
シュン, ジュンdecameron, 10day period, season (for specific products
めぐ.り, めぐ.る, ジュンpatrol, go around, circumference
つき, つか, ことごと.く, さかづき, つ.かす, つ.きる, -ず.く, -づ.く, -つ.く, -づ.くし, -つ.くす, つ.くす, サン, ジンexhaust, use up, run out of, deplete, befriend, serve
ひろ.い, コウwide, large
ついで, つい.で, ジョpreface, beginning, order, precedence, occasion, chance, incidentally
すなわ.ち, つ.ける, つ.く, ソクinstant, namely, as is, conform, agree, adapt
たえ, ビョウ, ミョウexquisite, strange, queer, mystery, miracle, excellent, delicate, charming
すもも, リplum
はげ.ます, はげ.む, レイencourage, be diligent, inspire
おもね.る, オ, アAfrica, flatter, fawn upon, corner, nook, recess
沿-ぞ.い, そ.う, エンrun alongside, follow along, run along, lie along
ほのお, エンinflammation, flame, blaze
やど.る, セキ, シャcottage, inn, hut, house, mansion
はやい, あたる, ひと.しく, ひと.しい, そろ.う, サイ, セイadjusted, alike, equal, similar variety of
はば.む, ソthwart, separate from, prevent, obstruct, deter, impede
テイresist, reach, touch
しげ.る, モovergrown, grow thick, be luxuriant
orphan, alone
セイanimal sacrifice, offering
みかど, テイsovereign, the emperor, god, creator
つか, え, がら, ヘイdesign, pattern, build, nature, handle, crank, grip, knob, shaft
やなぎ, リュウwillow
おとしい.れる, おちい.る, カンcollapse, fall into, cave in, fall (castle), slide into
おど.かす, おど.す, おびや.かす, キョウthreaten, coerce
-か.ねる, か.ねる, ケンconcurrently, and
ひろ.い, おおき.い, コウwide expanse, abundance, vigorous
そそのか.す, サtempt, seduce, instigate, promote
けず.る, かる, セイ, スイ, ザイdose, medicine, drug
サクcord, rope
さくら, ヨウ, オウcherry
つまび.らか, よ.い, きざ.し, さいわ.い, ショウauspicious, happiness, blessedness, good omen, good fortune
タイpeaceful, calm, peace, easy, Thailand
チツregularity, salary, order
ハイhaiku, actor
うめ, バイplum
ホウcannon, gun
いせ, たつ, ロウ, リョウ, リュウdragon, imperial
ぬき, ぬ.く, つらぬ.く, カンpierce, 8 1/3lbs, penetrate, brace
いつわ.り, にせ, いつわ.る, カ, ギfalsehood, lie, deceive, pretend, counterfeit, forgery
あし, カク, キャ, キャクskids, leg, undercarriage
いろど.る, サイcoloring, paint, makeup
いつ.く, いわ.う, い.む, ものいみ, つつし.む, とき, サイpurification, Buddhist food, room, worship, avoid, alike
とな.える, ショウchant, recite, call upon, yell
ほり, クツditch, moat, canal
あさ, マア, マhemp, flax
けづめ, へだ.たる, キョlong-distance, spur, fetlock
かこ.い, ケンsphere, circle, radius, range
し.まる, し.める, しぼ.る, コウstrangle, constrict, wring
ジクaxis, pivot, stem, stalk, counter for book scrolls
みや.び, ガgracious, elegant, graceful, refined
くら.べる, コウ, カクcontrast, compare
なめ.らか, すべ.る, コツ, カツslippery, slide, slip, flunk
かたく, ガンstubborn, foolish, firmly
いや, きら.い, きら.う, ゲン, ケンdislike, detest, hate
ほこ.る, コboast, be proud, pride, triumphantly
うた, シpoem, poetry
つまび.らか, くわ.しい, ショウdetailed, full, minute, accurate, well-informed
かざ.り, かざ.る, ショクdecorate, ornament, adorn, embellish
ひじり, ショウ, セイholy, saint, sage, master, priest
まこと, セイsincerity, admonish, warn, prohibit, truth, fidelity
たくわ.える, チクamass, keeping a concubine, phonograph
ほろ.ぼす, ほろ.ぶ, ほろ.びる, メツdestroy, ruin, overthrow, perish
まかな.う, ワイbribe, board, supply, finance
はた, キnational flag, banner, standard
す.い, サンacid, bitterness, sour, tart
ばっ.する, ハツ, バチ, バツpenalty, punishment
くさ.す, くさ.らす, くさ.れ, くさ.れる, -くさ.る, くさ.る, フrot, decay, sour
しもべ, ボクme, I (male)
あみ, モウnetting, network
なぐさ.む, なぐさ.める, イconsolation, amusement, seduce, cheer, make sport of, comfort, console
かせ.ぐ, カearnings, work, earn money
-がた, かた, セキlagoon
かがや.く, キradiance, shine, sparkle, gleam, twinkle
おもむ.く, おもむき, シュgist, proceed to, tend, become
うしお, しお, チョウtide, salt water, opportunity
かな.う, あだ, かたき, テキenemy, foe, opponent
バイcompensation, indemnify
-し.き, し.く, フspread, pave, sit, promulgate
ふ.く, フンerupt, spout, emit, flush out
ボクslap, strike, hit, beat, tell, speak
す.る, さ.する, ま.する, マchafe, rub, polish, grind, scrape
fascination, charm, bewitch
はがね, コウsteel
たて, ジュウvertical, length, height, self-indulgent, wayward
しげ.く, しげ.る, ハンluxuriant, thick, overgrown, frequency, complexity, trouble
ヨウhug, embrace, possess, protect, lead
いけにえ, キ, ギsacrifice
ねんご.ろ, コンsociable, kind, courteous, hospitable, cordial
つばさ, ヨクwing, plane, flank
とざ.す, くさり, サchain, irons, connection
まじろ.ぐ, またた.く, シュンwink, blink, twinkle
いしずえ, ソcornerstone, foundation stone
せ, ライrapids, current, torrent, shallows, shoal
はたがしら, ハク, ハhegemony, supremacy, leadership, champion
おどろ.かす, おどろ.く, キョウwonder, be surprised, frightened, amazed
かさ.ね, おそ.う, シュウattack, advance on, succeed to, pile, heap