Keep them coming, Apple

Overnight, my iPod Touch has gone from fine and healthy to an unresponsive brick: the screen is dark and plugging it into the computer elicits no reaction on either side. Charging, forced reset and any of the usual button-pushing tricks has yielded no result. The thing is well and truly dead.

Need I even mention that it has been purchased exactly one year and three months ago and is therefore just out of the warranty period.

Sorry folks, but that’s bad news for immediate development of KanjiBox’s next version. I can fortunately do the small stuff using only the iPhone simulator and relying on beta testers for live testing, but there is no way I can push out a reliable update with major changes in it.

Of course, I will eventually get a new one, but this purchase is definitely not gonna happen before October, as next month budget is entirely dedicated to paying the usual barron robber fees involved in moving to a new place in Japan (the infamous reikin+shikikin+agency fee+rent lethal combo, known and loved by all apartment renters throughout Japan).

Luckily, version 0.5.3 (out on the store as soon as Apple finally deigns approving it) seems to have reached full maturity and stability. So even with no new features for a while, you should at least have a sturdy app to play with in the meantime.

Sorry for this roadmap hiccup and thanks for your patience…

3 Responses to “Keep them coming, Apple”

  1. shemtheo says:

    I’ve been using kanjibox for a few days now and I have to say that it’s really a great app; I hope you make bank from it. I have discovered one kinda annoying glitch though: for some strange reason the ヲ kana never comes up as the primary kana…never. It shows as incorrect choices, but never as the correct one, and I’ve literally spent hours trying to get it to come up, even choosing it every time it was the wrong option to try to get it to come up as the right one.
    Love the app though, really do. Keep up the good work.

  2. dave says:

    shemtheo: thanks for your kind support and for that report.
    Sounds like a strange bug. I will look into it and might contact you later for details if I can’t replicate it on my own.

  3. shemtheo says:

    Sounds good.

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